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The only nation in the world to occupy an entire continent is Australia. It is among the world’s largest nations. Australia has a lot of arable land and abundant natural resources, yet almost one-third of it is desert.
Due to their more temperate climates, the southwest and southeast of Australia are home to the majority of its cities and farmland. The northeast is home to extensive rain forests. The largest deserts in the nation are found in the well-known outback, which are isolated rural areas with extreme heat, little water, and minimal flora.
The Great Dividing Range envelops Australia’s eastern and southeast regions. This 2,300-mile (3,700-kilometer) mountain range discharges water into the Great Artesian Basin, one of Australia’s most significant rivers, and the largest groundwater source in the world.

Why Australia?

Studying in Australia gives you the chance to pursue a top-notch education. Millions of people worldwide have profited from discoveries made possible by research and development activities undertaken by Australian universities. These are a few of the explanations for why so many overseas students choose to study in Australia.

  • There’s No Language Barrier
  • Great Weather
  • Post-Study Work Opportunities
  • Scholarship Opportunities
  • Global Academic Recognition
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